Estate Myanmar Real Estate Agency

Estate Myanmar Real Estate Agency
1016, Shwe Hintha Tower C-2, Pyay Road, 6.5 Miles, Hlaing Township, Yangon, Myanmar.

Company Profile

Our company is a leading real estate agency in Myanmar. Our company agents' impact on Myanmar estate market is mainly due to its driving ambition to be the country's most customer-centric company.

Our experience in both residential and commercial property markets in Myanmar and particularly Yangon, the Commercial Mega City of Myanmar, is drawn from the personnel's wide span of experience in the estate industry. Our agents fully take into account of your wants and preferences to offer you the perfect housing solution.

We provide estate services for various kinds of properties as listed below:
- Houses               
- Residential and commercial Lands
- Villas                 
- Shop houses
- Apartments        
- Private Islands
- Condominium      
- Warehouses (Industrial Lands)
- Office spaces      
- Factories
- Showrooms        
- Storage facilities


Our services include :
1. Sales
2. Renting / Leasing
3. Property management
4. Valuation
5. Estate legal consulting     

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1600 စတုရန်းပေ

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Hill Top Vista Condo For Rent

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1300 စတုရန္းေပက်ယ္ေသာ တိုက္ခန္းအငွားေလးျဖစ္ပါသည္။

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