NICE Real Estate Co., Ltd

NICE Real Estate Co., Ltd
985, Innwa Street, 6 Ward, South Okkalapa

Company Profile

Operating since 2010, The NICE Real Estate and Legal Advisory the leading realtor in Yangon,Myanmar.We have helped local and expats to find Luxury Real Estate ,Home, House,Land,Condo, Apartment, Warehouse,Commercial Property for rent,sale,buy .
Our engagement services are all facilitated by our expert team of Advisors and can be held at a location of your choosing, at a time convenient for you. We can discuss your goals and provide service suggestions, or you are welcome to review our Offerings and Service Descriptions, and select your desired service
Honesty, Integrity and Ethics in all aspects of our business. Our team @ Real Estate are more than real estate agents looking for real estate listings. We are a dedicated team of truly passionate, property professionals who understand our clients’ needs and wants. When making property decisions that impact your family now and in the future, you need a Premium property partner. We understand that your home is an important part of your life, it houses your family, it’s where memories are made and it provides for your future. NICE Real Estate has been building a wealth of experience and knowledge in the high-value, luxury property market. NICE Real Estate specialises in the finest coastal, lifestyle, luxury and executive real estate in Yangon. For home owner and tenants, the most essential need is to find a home that suits every aspect of their family lifestyle. Our team of professionals, understands this fundamental very well as we work with you.Equipped with in-depth local property knowledge, competent expertise and a high standard of professional business ethics, NICE REAL ESTATE is certainly trained to handle your transactions discreetly and with high confidentiality. Beyond just sourcing for suitable homes, we strive to understand our clients’ needs and priorities and explain to them the processes and requirements whilst helping them to source for locations. အထူး၀န္ေဆာင္မွုမ်ား ကြ်န္ေတာ္မ်ား NICE အိမ္ၿခံေၿမအက်ိဳးေဆာင္လုပ္ငန္းမွ လူၾကီးမင္းတို႕၏ အိမ္ၿခံေၿမ၊ တိုက္ခန္း၊ ကြန္ဒို၊ လံုးၿခင္း၊ ဆိုင္ခန္းစက္ရံု၊ဂိုေဒါင္မ်ားအတြက္ ေရာင္း၀ယ္ ငွားရမ္းၿခင္းကိစၥမ်ားကို အၿမန္ဆံုးႏွင္႕အထိေရာက္ဆံုး ကူညီေဆာင္ရြက္ေပးၿခင္း၊ လူၾကီးမင္းတို႕၏ အိမ္ၿခံေၿမႏွင္႔ပတ္သတ္ေသာ ကိစၥ မ်ားအား အၾကံဥာဏ္ေကာင္းမ်ားေပးၿခင္း တို႕ကို စိတ္တိုင္းက်ေဆာင္ရြက္ေပးပါသည္။

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စမ္းေခ်ာင္းျမိဳ႕နယ္ ျပည္လမ္းမ အနီးရွိ တိုက္ခန္းအငွား in စမ္းေခ်ာင္း, ရန္ကုန္


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1250 စတုရန်းပေ


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MICT Park အနီးတြင္ရွိေသာ Penthouse အငွား in မရမ္းကုန္း, ရန္ကုန္


1000 စတုရန်းပေ

MICT Park အနီးတြင္ရွိေသာ မရမ္းကုန္ျမိဳ႕နယ္ရွိ…

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ပရိေဘာဂ အစံုလင္ပါေသာ မလိခကြန္ဒို in သဃန္းကြ်န္း, ရန္ကုန္


1260 စတုရန်းပေ

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ေယဇယႏာၱ အနီးတြင္ရွိေသာ မီနီကြန္ဒို အငွား in ေတာင္ဥကၠလာပ, ရန္ကုန္


1000 စတုရန်းပေ


ဒေါ်လာ 450
ကြည့်ရှုမှု: 2395
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ပါရမီကြန္ဒို အငွား in မရမ္းကုန္း, ရန္ကုန္


1350 စတုရန်းပေ

1350 စတုရန္းေပရွိ ပါရမီကြန္ဒို အငွားေလးျဖစ္ပါသည္။

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၉ မိုင္ ျပည္လမ္းမေပၚရွိ ကြန္ဒိုအငွား in မရမ္းကုန္း, ရန္ကုန္


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ျမင္ကြင္းလွပေသာ Penthouse အငွား in , ရန္ကုန္


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ေစ်းတန္ေသာ တိုက္ခန္းအငွား in ဗဟန္း, ရန္ကုန္


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ရံုးခန္းဖြင့္ရန္ေကာင္းေသာ တိုက္ခန္းအငွားေလးျဖစ္ပါသည္။

360 သိန်း
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Office Space or Residential for Rent in South Okkalapa near Hotel Yankin with Decent Price in ေတာင္ဥကၠလာပ, ရန္ကုန္


2700 စတုရန်းပေ

*** Easy Access from Waizayantar Road (Very near to Waizayantar Commercial Road)…

ဒေါ်လာ 1400
ကြည့်ရှုမှု: 2542

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