Malihku Real Estate Agency

Malihku Real Estate Agency
No. 38, Myay Ni Gone Zay Street, Sanchaung Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
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ပိုင္ရွင္မ်ား တိုက္ရိုက္ဆက္သြယ္ အပ္ႏွံႏိုင္ပါသည္။
စမ္ေးခ်ာင္းၿမိဳ႕နယ္အတြင္းရွိ စီးပြားေရး လုပ္ကိုင္ရန္သင့္ေလ်ာ္ေသာ ေျမညီ တိုက္ခန္းမာ်း၊ တိုက္ခန္းမ်ား၊ ကြန္ဒိုမ်ားကို ျပည္တြင္းျပည္ပ ဧည့္သည္မ်ားအတြက္ အျမန္ဆံုး ငွားရမ္းလိုပါသျဖင့္ ပို္င္ရွင္မ်ား တိုက္ရိုက္ဆက္သြယ္ အပ္ႏွံႏိုင္ၿပီး အက်ိုးတူ လုပ္ကိုင္မည့္ အက်ိုးေဆာင္မ်ားကိုလည္း ဖိတ္ေခၚအပ္သည္။
Royal Malihku Co.,Ltd
01 527 699, 01 230 5703

Total properties: 27

Rent available 300x200 Featured

For Rent in Haling, Shwe Oak Kyin Condominium (Malihku Real Estate ) in Hlaing, Yangon


1450 sqft

For Rent in Haling, Shwe Oak Kyin, higher floor, 1450 square feet, 1 master bedroom,…

18 Lkhs
Views: 4033
Sale available 300x200 Featured

လိႈင္၊ စကား၀ါၿမိဳင္ကြန္ဒို ရွိ ေရာင္းရန္ရွိေသာ အလႊာျမင့္အခန္း (Malihku Real Estate) in Hlaing, Yangon


1320 sqft

လိႈင္၊ စကား၀ါၿမိဳင္ကြန္ဒို, စကား၀ါလမ္း၊…

1900 Lkhs
Views: 4000
Rent available 300x200 Featured

For Rent in Hlaing, Parami Residence (Malihku Real Estate) in Hlaing, Yangon

Landed House

5400 sqft

Hlaing, Parami Residence, 5400 square feet, 2RC building (4500 square feet), 5 master…

USD 10000
Views: 4305
Rent available 300x200 Featured

For Rent in Latha, Sint Oo Tan street, 3rd floor apartment (Malihku Real Estate) in Latha, Yangon


1500 sqft

Latha, Sint Oo Tan street, 3rd floor apartment, 3rd floor, 1 master bedroom, air…

USD 1000
Views: 4877
Rent available 300x200 Featured

For Rent in Mayangone, 7 miles, the branch road of U Lun Maung (Malihku Real Estate) in Mayangone, Yangon

Landed House

4050 sqft

Mayangone, 7 miles, the branch road, 2RC, 4050 square feet, 1 master bedroom, 2…

20 Lkhs
Views: 4254
Rent available 300x200 Featured

For Rent a nice house in Mayangone, near Gamone Pwint Super Market (Malihku Real Estate) in Mayangone, Yangon

Landed House

3150 sqft

Mayangone, near Gamone Pwint Super Market, 45’x70’, 2.5RC building, 2 master…

30 Lkhs
Views: 3768
Rent available 300x200 Featured

For Rent in Botahtaung, 52th street, higher floor apartment (Malihku Real Estate) in Botahtaung, Yangon


1500 sqft

Botahtaung, 52th street, higher floor apartment, 1500 square feet, 1 master bedroom,…

8 Lkhs
Views: 5061
Rent available 300x200 Featured

For Rent in Botahtaung, 44th street (Malihku Real Estate) in Botahtaung, Yangon


625 sqft

Rent in Botahtaung, 44th street, 625 square feet, 1 bedroom, air conditioner 2 nos,…

USD 700
Views: 5422
Sale available 300x200 Featured

A higher floor condo room for rent in Dagon Tsp: (Malihku Real Estate) in Dagon, Yangon


1800 sqft

Dagon, MWEA tower, on the Shwe Dagon pagoda raod, 1800 square foot, 2 master bedrooms,…

USD 2500
Views: 3302
Rent available 300x200 Featured

A room for rent in Tamwe, East Horse Race Course street (Malihku Real Estate) in Tamwe, Yangon

New Condo

1600 sqft

Tamwe, East Horse Race Course street, 1600 Square feet, higher floor, 1 master bedroom,…

15 Lkhs
Views: 4655
Sale available 300x200 Featured

35× 30 sqft , Landed House For Sale on the Insein Road (Malihku Real Estate) in Insein, Yangon

Landed House

1750 sqft

အင္းစိန္၊ ဦးဖိုးထြန္းလမ္း၊…

1800 Lkhs
Views: 4474
Rent available 300x200 Featured

A House For Rent At 8 Miles , Zay-yar-khay-mar Street , Mayangone Township (Malihku Real Estate) in Mayangone, Yangon

Landed House

1500 sqft

Mayangone, 8 Miles , Zay-yar-khay-mar Street , 30'x50' , 1 RC , 1 Master Bedroom…

10 Lkhs
Views: 5148

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