1. Golden Square Lake Condominium is located at Lay Daung Kan Main Road, Thaingayun Township.
2. Every rooms have Car Parking.
3. Type A - 1280 Sqft, Type B - 1335 Sqft, Type C - 1070 Sqft.
4. For Type A and B organized with (1) Master Bedroom and (3) Double Bedrooms.
5. For Type C organized with (1) Master bedroom and (2) Double Bedroom.
6. Every Kitchen, Bathroom are decorated with Tile Flooring.
7. Ready Mixed Concrete are using.
8. Meter, Water-Pump, Ground Tank and Every rooms has Overhead Tank.
9. Using with Pile Foundation.
10. Structured with (10) Unit Lift (KONE, Finland).
11. (24) Hours electricity and generator.
12. (24) Hours Security.
Nearby Kyak Ka San Pagoda, Yadanar Market, Haymawon Market, San Pya Market, AKK Shopping Mall, Zawana City Mart, San Pya Hospital, Aung Yadanar Hospital, KBZ Bank, ILBC.
Type A (1280 Sqft) - 2350 Lakhs
Type B (1335 Sqft) - 2500 Lakhs
Type C (1070 Sqft) - 2200 Lakhs
Pent-House (1070 Sqft - 2000 Lakhs
****Asia Builder Construction Company Limited****